
Trying out the medical system

We dealt with the first high fever of my daughter's young life this week.  She had a low grade fever Sunday and Monday and spiked up to 40 degrees celsius tuesday night.  So off we went to the hospital in the middle of the night.  Nothing says welcome to the medical system like a rectal thermometer at 3:30 in the morning.  Then they told me to put my clothes back on and put the child on the table.  :-)  She's still cranky but better than she was. 


2 pony-tails!

Who me?

This child gets more stuffed animals from that rest home than any other child I have ever met.

That's it grandma, use the ear submission hold I taught you. Bunny never talks back anymore.

They promised me a pony ... I'm still waiting.


[Fwd: RII &“What would Descartes subscribe to?”]


Sean Edwards