
No, the correct phrasing is; "She who must be obeyed".


I see they got you too.


Many miles to go till I sleep....

Felicity sings the hits


Moving on and moving out ... while if I could walk I might attempt some of those things.


Pancake Breakfast

Having a pancake breakfast before Mommy wakes up. If she asks, we washed our feet before we got on the counter. :-)


When what we love and who we love are at odds

For me, croc feeding joined skydiving and most of jaywalking, even, on
my personal list of Things I Could Conceivably Rationalize Before The
Kid, But That I Now Feel Too Burdened With Responsibility To Stay Alive
To Take Up. That list is going to be different for everyone, and none is
or should be the Dad In The Plastic Bubble, but I really wonder where
and how you negotiate the line between yourself and your family.


He's so post-modern. At least he is trying hard with the use of the camera to represent the impermanence of narrative and the fallacy of voice as an interpretive device. I think the baby is grounding him too much in the historical flow and the classical narrative structure for the image to be fully post-modern.

Four generations of family.

Sometimes toddlers also get to pick their back to school outfit.