
Beautiful weekend in Vancouver. Warm, warm sunshine and a bit of breeze. Kind of strange to be applying suntan lotion and working on your tan at the end of September. Had a great day at Winona field in Vancouver playing three games of Ultimate. There is that moment of synergy in many athletic endeavors where you exactly where you need to be to make that catch - moving through the air. Lots of fun.

On Sunday headed up to babies R us. That was rather overwhelming. Know lots about relating to kids but the logistics of care and feeding are still a mystery. Who knew there were so many bottle systems for babies?

Any comments from the experienced out there would be nice....


Made a presentation of the GBFP products at a Rivershed society of BC meeting. Beautiful location in a heritage mansion on top of Capitol hill in burnaby. They were very interested in the QUEST simulation as well as our other projects. Really keyed up for the presentation - they seemed pretty interested. Good opportunities to follow up - interest in putting together a fraser basin simulation.
Took part in a whole team workshop today with the people I work with at the Georgia Basin Futures Project. We were talking about applying for another 5 year grant to fund continuing research on some of the themes we've already establishing and proposing new areas for collaboration and research.

The workshop brought to the surface some of the issues I've been working through about how to fit the various bits of my work life together into a coherent whole.


1. How to integrate my background in political science into day to day work life? Is academia a possible path - i.e. Dr. Edwards

2. The interaction between technology and community. Should I be putting forward research proposals on community engagement at the municipal level. A research agenda looking at policy theory, local goverment and sustainability implementation?

3. Educational technology - fun to do, relatively lucrative, learning everyday...but is there the love for it?

4. Programming and geosciences. Possible work doing project management integrating and creating new community networks. This is political science in practice.

5. Still working out how it all fits together.


Magnatune: try before you buy MP3 music.

Discovered this site through a listing in the creative commons blog.
From the site promo:
We call it "try before you buy." It's the shareware model applied to music.

Listen to hundreds of MP3'd albums from our artists. Or try our genre-based radio stations.

If you like what you hear, buy our music online for as little as $5 an album or license our music for commercial use.

Artists get a full 50% of the purchase price. And unlike most record labels, our artists keep their rights to their music.
Founded by musicians, for musicians.

No major label connections.

We are not evil.

I hadn't really considered buying music online but this is a pretty good model. You pick how much you are willing to pay for the album and then download the entire album in .wav or mp3 format. No licence restrictions etc. Some great music available.


Silenced: Censorship and Control of the Internet

There may be a day when 'presumed innocent until proven otherwise' will be be a strange relic of a forgone age. For more on this subject see the Unveillance project at Richard Smith's webpage (http://www.sfu.ca/~smith). Also see Slashdot on an US airline handing over 5 million customer records to a private contractor to test the new airplane safety system.


Saw the face of my baby girl on the ultrasound today. Branded on my brain for the rest of my life. Short weeks to go. I can't wait. Ultrasound pictures coming to the photo gallery. She was playing with her toes and moving her arms around. Everything is as it should be. Joy.