
Took part in a whole team workshop today with the people I work with at the Georgia Basin Futures Project. We were talking about applying for another 5 year grant to fund continuing research on some of the themes we've already establishing and proposing new areas for collaboration and research.

The workshop brought to the surface some of the issues I've been working through about how to fit the various bits of my work life together into a coherent whole.


1. How to integrate my background in political science into day to day work life? Is academia a possible path - i.e. Dr. Edwards

2. The interaction between technology and community. Should I be putting forward research proposals on community engagement at the municipal level. A research agenda looking at policy theory, local goverment and sustainability implementation?

3. Educational technology - fun to do, relatively lucrative, learning everyday...but is there the love for it?

4. Programming and geosciences. Possible work doing project management integrating and creating new community networks. This is political science in practice.

5. Still working out how it all fits together.

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