
The Tyee: index
By David Beers, Editor

Why The Tyee? Glad you asked. Maybe you mean, why the name? The tyee, generally understood in these parts, is a savvy salmon with plenty of fight. Like this electronic newspaper, it roams free, goes where it wants . . .

But maybe you are asking, why create The Tyee? Why now? For starters:

Because big media in this province are owned by a powerful few with their own agendas.

Because that leaves many people here hungry for news and comment that reflects their actual lives, their own values.

Because “The Big Smoke” of Vancouver/Victoria hears too little from the rest of the province and together we have plenty of challenges and solutions to talk about.

And because we British Columbians are such a good story – so many good stories every day that don’t get told. At The Tyee you’ll find investigative reporting no one else is doing, and fresh viewpoints from all over B.C.


Doctor's have decided that it's time for my little girl to join the rest of us. :-) Sometime in the next couple days....Stay tuned


Been talking to various people about organizational systems and time management approaches.

Approach 1:

Do nothing. Let the crises come and use your head to keep track of your comittments.

Approach 2:

Basic to-do list for work related issues

Approach 3:

Master list of all things you have to do in your life. Sort into categories based on your approach. Your job roles, priorities, bosses priorities, context or subject.

Tools used:

Tickler file - Drop it in a folder to deal with it later. (i.e. due date november 18 drop it in a file for the 18 and deal with then.)

Keep all to dos, dealines in a single word file that you check each day by file topic.

Use microsoft outlook for appointments, todo's, contacts and email. Use the journal function to track all interactions with any contact. (phone calls, meetings committments)

Sort to dos by location. (i.e. home errands) - (home calls) (@home computer) (@work computer) (@office)

I am working on this system (gettingthingsdone.com) and not sure about effectiveness quite yet. Still in the collect everything you have to do and get it into the external system (i.e. palm). This means I have way too many things piled on my dining room table. Problem is that feel a bit overwhelmed by the collection process. The 'to do' just gets bigger and bigger. The coming baby looms over it all. Recent quotation from a friend "Control is an illusion"

One thing I've found really helpful is having labels and file folders available whereever I am working. If I get a piece of paper that I don't have an existing place for it immediately gets labelled and filed in an A-Z system.

Comments - how do you keep track of everything?
Had a check up today for mom and soon-to-be baby. Given the signs may mean baby could be here in a week to two weeks. 7 to 14 days. 168 - 214 hours. Tick...tick...tick. Now that we've pulled apart the entire apartment we seem no closer to being organized. :-) Maybe tonight will beat back the domestic demons of disorder.
