
The Tyee: index
By David Beers, Editor

Why The Tyee? Glad you asked. Maybe you mean, why the name? The tyee, generally understood in these parts, is a savvy salmon with plenty of fight. Like this electronic newspaper, it roams free, goes where it wants . . .

But maybe you are asking, why create The Tyee? Why now? For starters:

Because big media in this province are owned by a powerful few with their own agendas.

Because that leaves many people here hungry for news and comment that reflects their actual lives, their own values.

Because “The Big Smoke” of Vancouver/Victoria hears too little from the rest of the province and together we have plenty of challenges and solutions to talk about.

And because we British Columbians are such a good story – so many good stories every day that don’t get told. At The Tyee you’ll find investigative reporting no one else is doing, and fresh viewpoints from all over B.C.

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