This really is a great official statement. I was going fast enough to put my bare head through the back window of the car I was following but it was just a flesh wound. The fact I have to ride 2100+ km in the next 22 days with whiplash won't affect my performance at all.
It's a shame. If T-Mobile falls back there aren't a lot of teams who can challenge Armstrong.
Ultimate highlights
Hey Breathers...great start to Div. 4 on Wednesday! Two solid games and
one great win. Personal highlights for me from my beer drinking and chip
chewing vantage point were...well, hands down, game 1's 13-12 victory
was one of our best games of the year... but for other highlights there
was also Paul jumping twice his height on a regular basis, Stevie's left
handed endzone grab in game two, hammers thrown left right and center
that actually arrived at their destinations (you remember those days
don't ya Wade?), the amazing Stevie/Sean popping team, the husband and
wife duo of Kyi Handlers Inc. handling amazingly despite the hubby's
dislocated shoulder, Nadine's awesome play, Miranda's always being open
and making some thread the needle throws, and Marie's great cutting, but
most importantly, her spice cake! My only question would be how one of
Stevie's grade one students made it on to the field to play in game 2?
Those temper tantrums were a dead giveaway.
First, no practice Monday.
Second, keep thinking 'bout fall league. The official email will be
coming soon!
Third, next singleheader is July 20th. That means team dinner and drinks!
Fourth, next week's games.
Right now, Wade, Mark, Rikki, and DJ are out. Paul might only be around
for game 1.
Ladies and Gentlemen, a big round of applause for Glenn Kerr who'll be
joining us (your cleats are in the ulty bag Glenner!)
*Email me by Monday at noon if you are out and I will send out the final
roster Monday night. If you already know you are out for the week of the
13th, let me know that too since I won't be on email all next week. *
And the games? We're at Winona North, the upper field at 59th and Yukon.
We're up against Unassigned Players and then the Huckin' Hobbits.
Let's hope summer's back for Wednesday.
see ya Breathers,