
On the folly of technology

My shiny portable brain suffered a stroke last night. We had a nice dinner with my wife at a charming Indian restaurant in Maple Ridge. We laughed, we cried, we updated the to do list in a few quick strokes of the stylus. I came home, tucked my portable brain safely into its cubbyhole and wished it good night.  This morning it was cold and unresponsive.  Rigor mortis had set in. Soft resets, hard resets, direct power line hookups, nothing worked.  Darkness had fallen over the land.  ... Editor's note: A little over the top but we prefer not to use profanity in blog posts particularly when discussing certain companies that only offer a 90 day warranty on consumer items costing multiple hundreds of dollars.  5 months of operation followed by a sudden death is unacceptable.  I am now cutting and pasting templated forms to index cards to make a Hipster PDA.  I need to stop typing.  I am getting spots in front of my eyes as my blood pressure rises when I consider this situation.


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