
It's time to change your browser
I've been testdriving the firebird browser available from www.mozilla.org for the past month. Tried on laptops, desktops, windows me, 2000 and xp. It runs faster, renders better and provides a great productivity jump over internet explorer. You will have to add some plugins but the built in links make this fairly easy. It is worth reading the instructions to understand what can be done. For those in jobs requiring multiple web windows the tabbed browsing with background downloading will be a godsend.

I love the keyboard shortcuts. Follow that link in the article listed below to see what you can do without taking your hands off the keyboard.

I've used almost every other generally available browser and this one comes out ahead. (IE, Netscape, Mozilla, Camino, Safari).

Check out some more details and download this browser at:

Reasons to switch to Firebird

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