
Been working like mad building an online survey to assist with a Bowen island community engagement process. Check out the snug cove plan at http://www.bowenisland.info. Took a trip to Bowen first time Sunday to participate in the workshop. 125 people showed up for the meeting out of a population of 3700. Probably another couple 100 over the week in the other meetings. Amazing public participation.

Been tossing around career ideas from planning school, to law, to snowboard instructor. The last is appealing but not overly lucrative. Planning has some interesting possiblities with a project and a consulting company wrapped around the idea of the use of the internet in public participation and capacity building at the local government level. Could also be a Ph.D. I'd have one more degree than my sibling. Not that we're keeping score or anything. :-)

For those of you keeping score from abroad Marchand is engaged to be married. Pass the scotch. :-)

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