
Lisa - this is for you :-)

Awareness and Action: Focus on Urban Sustainability

UBC - JUNE 2004 - ASTU 400P
An Interdisciplinary Field Course on sustainability open to all students in
any faculty in any year!

WHO: Open to all students in all Faculties and Community Members
WHAT: A summer field course focused on urban sustainability, active
transportation and community engagement.
WHEN: Weekdays 9am ­ Noon June 2-25th, 2004
WHERE: Urban classroom at Science WorldÅ Daily excursions in Greater
WHY: Earn 3 Credits and Field Experience. Learn and contribute to a
sustainable future.

How do I sign up? Register at UBC online for ASTU 400: Section P

Come to the Information Meeting in IHPR ­ Library Processing Centre ­ 4th
Floor Thursday March 25 12-1:00pm.

Application Forms will be available at this meeting...ignore other
deadlines. If you are having trouble registering - let us know at the
meeting and we can help you out....

Check out our Website http://www.basinfutures.net/urbancourse

If you have any other specific questions that can't wait until the
information meeting...please email the

Course Instructors:
Rob VanWynsberghe (Institute of Health Promotion Research -IHPR)
Janet Moore (Department of Curriculum Studies) janetmoo@interchange.ubc.ca

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