
Yet another Sunday has arrived and I'm spending quiet time with wife and baby. While semi-quiet time...:-) It has been a busy weekend. I went out to Maple Ridge yesterday to visit family that was in town and introduce them to my daughter. Spent some time talking and sketching pictures with Dad and wife for an extension to the deck for the new house. Lots of fun. Appreciated dad's new trellises around his pond. A couple years for the plants to grow up and that will be a great little pond. Spent the evening at a weiner bbq in surrey for a friends birthday. Wife got to visit with friends and I spent the time trying to get baby to sleep and watching the hockey game. Everybody gets what they want.

Working on reviewing my to do lists today and putting together a job application due tomorrow. Looks like its going to be a nice day. Hope to get out for a walk along the beach.

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