
Family update

A week or so to go and we think that Austin will be home with us. He is down to 15 cc/min of supplemental O2 and feeding regularly from the bottle without his O2 saturation levels dropping precipitously. We were in both Sunday and tonight and he was more active and generally vocal than we've seen. It left both of us feeling more positive. It has been an up and down week, when you talk to the nurses it seems that what he went through with the pneoumothorax was certainly not just a routine procedure and very serious and unusual for babies at his stage. We're through that now but it makes you do a little shudder here and again.

I had an interesting date night with my wife. Drop child # 1 with the grandparents, to for dinner, go bathe and feed child #2 at the hospital and then go for desert and coffee. This two kids thing is really easy when somebody else takes care of them. :-)

The video belows shows what slipping a couple extra dollars to the nurse with the razor will accomplish. I hear punk is the latest look at the mother-baby groups.

Thanks to all who have been calling and emailing. The support is greatly appreciated.

Lots of love,

Sean and Renee

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