Small improvements
My son has the ventilator tube out of his lungs and is breathing regular air inside this incubator. At the present time even the nose prongs with the supplemental O2 have come out. He is straining to breathe a bit but still managing. They are watching very carefully. Small steps forward. There are lots of fluids coming in and some coming out indicating that all respiratory and digestive systems are beginning to function as they should. He's starting to get regular feeds through the IV to start up his little system. It is hard to sit here and know he is in a small warm box across town with a nurse 24 hours a day instead of his parents.
On a lighter note funny things recently pregnant women say:
1. I can see my feet!
2. Look, I'm lying on my stomach.
3. Look, I'm lying on my back.
4. I'm having a glass of wine!
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