
Listamatic: Listamatic: one list, many options
Really cool things you can do on the web using stylesheets. This is the next generation in web design.
It's time to change your browser
I've been testdriving the firebird browser available from www.mozilla.org for the past month. Tried on laptops, desktops, windows me, 2000 and xp. It runs faster, renders better and provides a great productivity jump over internet explorer. You will have to add some plugins but the built in links make this fairly easy. It is worth reading the instructions to understand what can be done. For those in jobs requiring multiple web windows the tabbed browsing with background downloading will be a godsend.

I love the keyboard shortcuts. Follow that link in the article listed below to see what you can do without taking your hands off the keyboard.

I've used almost every other generally available browser and this one comes out ahead. (IE, Netscape, Mozilla, Camino, Safari).

Check out some more details and download this browser at:

Reasons to switch to Firebird

Voice activated computing...sounds like a great idea when you are reduced to one finger typing and web surfing because the baby is asleep on your chest.... (Post edited after the baby shifted and I could get both hands on the keyboard)

There is a wonderful joy to having an infant happily asleep and snuggled up on your chest. It cuts into your productivty but I keep telling myself she'll only be this small for a short period of time. :-) Like other human beings she is happier snuggled up and asleep then alone in the crib or the carseat.

I am amazed at how fast she is growing. In just over a month she has grown 30 percent. 6 pounds to 9 pounds. Can you imagine putting on 30 percent of your body weight in just over a month? She's still small but stretched out she's probably about 2 feet long.

It's a blur of bottles, formula, pink outfits and never sleeping for more than 3 hours at a time. I now write everything down since my short term memory is gone.

The best of british blogging
Have you ever wondered . . .

If the library were like amazon.com....
Yet another reason to supprt public services. privacy, free willl...
Letters of Marque: Sauron: Offer and acceptance

Yet another example of law students with too much time on their hands.
The Globe and Mail

Once the kids realize it's not some rotund stranger bringing the goodies, and rather that it's what my brother calls the parental units, they also begin to understand the grave responsibility of the season -- of not hurting anyone's feelings, of appearing to madly love all the presents, of being happy and agreeable so everyone can go to bed figuring they've had the best time and gone some distance to living up to the imagined Hallmark Christmas we all carry in our heads.

In truth, there are few of those. What there are instead are the infinitely more tender, flawed and sometimes downright odd celebrations of ordinary families in ordinary houses.


The Tyee: index
By David Beers, Editor

Why The Tyee? Glad you asked. Maybe you mean, why the name? The tyee, generally understood in these parts, is a savvy salmon with plenty of fight. Like this electronic newspaper, it roams free, goes where it wants . . .

But maybe you are asking, why create The Tyee? Why now? For starters:

Because big media in this province are owned by a powerful few with their own agendas.

Because that leaves many people here hungry for news and comment that reflects their actual lives, their own values.

Because “The Big Smoke” of Vancouver/Victoria hears too little from the rest of the province and together we have plenty of challenges and solutions to talk about.

And because we British Columbians are such a good story – so many good stories every day that don’t get told. At The Tyee you’ll find investigative reporting no one else is doing, and fresh viewpoints from all over B.C.


Doctor's have decided that it's time for my little girl to join the rest of us. :-) Sometime in the next couple days....Stay tuned


Been talking to various people about organizational systems and time management approaches.

Approach 1:

Do nothing. Let the crises come and use your head to keep track of your comittments.

Approach 2:

Basic to-do list for work related issues

Approach 3:

Master list of all things you have to do in your life. Sort into categories based on your approach. Your job roles, priorities, bosses priorities, context or subject.

Tools used:

Tickler file - Drop it in a folder to deal with it later. (i.e. due date november 18 drop it in a file for the 18 and deal with then.)

Keep all to dos, dealines in a single word file that you check each day by file topic.

Use microsoft outlook for appointments, todo's, contacts and email. Use the journal function to track all interactions with any contact. (phone calls, meetings committments)

Sort to dos by location. (i.e. home errands) - (home calls) (@home computer) (@work computer) (@office)

I am working on this system (gettingthingsdone.com) and not sure about effectiveness quite yet. Still in the collect everything you have to do and get it into the external system (i.e. palm). This means I have way too many things piled on my dining room table. Problem is that feel a bit overwhelmed by the collection process. The 'to do' just gets bigger and bigger. The coming baby looms over it all. Recent quotation from a friend "Control is an illusion"

One thing I've found really helpful is having labels and file folders available whereever I am working. If I get a piece of paper that I don't have an existing place for it immediately gets labelled and filed in an A-Z system.

Comments - how do you keep track of everything?
Had a check up today for mom and soon-to-be baby. Given the signs may mean baby could be here in a week to two weeks. 7 to 14 days. 168 - 214 hours. Tick...tick...tick. Now that we've pulled apart the entire apartment we seem no closer to being organized. :-) Maybe tonight will beat back the domestic demons of disorder.



Sex objects at any age - CBC News - Viewpoint: Georgie Binks

This article came from a friend of mine (lisa) in response to questions about gender roles. Another comment from my brother-

"interesting question about gender and destiny. having worked with some old-school feminists in toronto, who have managed to be pretty successful, i'd say that yes, it does still matter, far more than it should. but what's life without something to struggle for, eh?"

I was optimistic or naive when first exposed to university and thought that gender didn't matter or at least it shouldn't. This was in the early 90's as identity politics was taking its first lurching steps into the mainstream. I've always been fairly comfortable with transitional approaches to gender about what is appropriate behavior and partners for each gender or the multiplicity of genders identified by some. However, I no longer think you can remove the lens. It is embedded in how we think and how we interact. This lens is mediated through your intellect. There is always the aspect of choice.

Do you step around people on the street or expect them to step around you?
When a family dinner is finished or is being prepared who does the work?
If something spills at a party - who is the first to react and fix the situation?
Do sport metaphors resonate?
How do you handle conflict?
What do you visualize as an ideal job?
Who are your role models?
Do you pick up a baby boy and toss him in the air? Would you do the same with a girl?

Thinking more about raising a girl - I was at Douglas park in Vancouver talking to a colleague who has a seven year old in soccer. There is an extremely successful woman's soccer team in Vancouver. These girls have posters of the players on their walls, go to the games and view it as a normal for a woman to be a professional athlete. These players often come out and coach and/or do clinics. There is a reality to these people to these girls.

As mentioned in the CBC artilce - the image of the woman's hockey team winning olympic gold - I remember that better than the men's game. Crappy refereeing, a hostile crowd. lots of penalities and a triumph of character, will and skill. This paragon is worth striving for and emulating.



Working through some thoughts around organizational systems and approaches. General reading includes steven covey's 'First things first' and David Allen'Getting things done.' Covey focuses more on goals and roles and uses a compass metaphor. You need to know where you are going and why you are going there to feel fulfilled and have energy. Another to do list won't help if "the ladder is against the wrong wall."

Waiting for the allen book to arrive from the library. Took a quick look through at Chapters and seems promising. One thing that is glossed over in a social sciences education is general organizational and office skills. Everybody picks it up along the way but it is interesting to see how others have researched and documented the practice.

Also working on new ways to manage the information I deal with on a daily basis. Currently testing InfoRecallXP 2004 from . Phantech Software It allows you to organize free text, files, links and links in a windows explorer type format and create 'documents' of related concepts and material. I'm interested in the search engine and the ability to link general roles/projects with all related documents, plus links, plus journal entries and/or reflections on process. Further comments to follow.
Bumper sticker of the day

Well behaved women rarely make history.

I must admit this resonated a little more with me due to thought I'm going to be raising a little girl. Do you have to break the rules to leave your mark? What are the boundaries for achievement around gender? Is this still a factor? I think it still is but much less so than 15 years ago. Comments?
Flash animation explaining the whole nuclear scenario - humour
All you need to know about global nuclear deterrence and ethnic stereotypes


Had a baby shower last Sunday and the parphanelia is building up in my living room. Crib, shaking chair, diapers, an explosion of pink outfits. The idea that we could have a baby in four weeks is slowly sinking in. Getting ready for a couple ultimate games tomorrow with Fahrfrumhuken and powered by chocolate. Dragged out some friends from work to fill out the roster. Should be fun. The hands are still there... the legs not so much after two weeks without playing. Next week is the all day maternity class and soon after that the baby arrives. Brace yourself....
Went to a Chilliwack concert at the Orpheum tonight. http://www.gonegonegone.com. The whole Henderson clan was out and the set was hot. The band was tight, the sound dialed in and the crowd excited. Lots of fun on a free ticket. The 'headliner' was Amerika. tinny mushy sound with people who couldn't sing in tune - it was painful. Left a couple songs into the set. Some bands don't know when it's time to go.


PM defends his jet deal, says money was left over

The money was left over....
100 million dollars. Just something from under the sofa. And they wonder why people don't trust the government...Still fuming
Community Services

Vancouver in 1978 and 2003
In 1978 the city was photographed from a variety of viewpoints for a planning study. Today, those photographs are a valuable record of how the city has been transformed by recent planning intiatives.


Dean Ornish, MD - Blood Flow Diagrams
I've always been somewhat skeptical of the Atkins diet. I found this diagram a rather convincing argument against overdoing the meat.


Web Server Address has changed
Did a hardware upgrade and ended up with a new IP address.
Torrential rain and wind in BC is the rule of the day. It's the days like yesterday and today that make me appreciate working in a job that doesn't require me to be out in the elements. So, to celebrate I went out for a bike ride along the false creek seaside route at the height of the high wind and rain warnings. Ferocious weather is a lot of fun when you don't have to be there. Mist and fog rolling along false creek, wind streaming off the water and lots of rain. Fun, fun....
I waded up to UBC later in the day for a job interview for an educational technology position with the Faculty of Applied Science. Not too positive about getting the job but we'll see how things work out.


Got called this morning to come in next Thursday to interview for a job with the UBC Faculty of Applied Science as an Educational Technology consultant. Nice to make the shortlist. :-) With a baby on the way something that wasn't solely contract would be nice.


Statement on the Interim Progress Report on the Activities of the Iraq Survey Group

Thank you, Mr. Chairman. I welcome this opportunity to discuss with the Committee the progress that the Iraq Survey Group has made in its initial three months of its investigation into Iraq's Weapons of Mass Destruction (WMD) programs.

Interesting reading. Brings home the 'balance of probabilities' nature of intelligence gathering and decision making.
Make a trip up to Castlegar to visit family this week. Great to get our of the lowermainland and see all the different climate zones in BC. Interesting being in a true small town where at 10 on Saturday night you can shoot a cannon down main street as the saying goes. Really, past 5:30 nothing is open. A shift from the urban service model. Flew back out of Kelowna and got to see the interior mountains from above. That was great. Beats climbing them. :-) Flying back you see how little of BC we actually occupy.


Beautiful weekend in Vancouver. Warm, warm sunshine and a bit of breeze. Kind of strange to be applying suntan lotion and working on your tan at the end of September. Had a great day at Winona field in Vancouver playing three games of Ultimate. There is that moment of synergy in many athletic endeavors where you exactly where you need to be to make that catch - moving through the air. Lots of fun.

On Sunday headed up to babies R us. That was rather overwhelming. Know lots about relating to kids but the logistics of care and feeding are still a mystery. Who knew there were so many bottle systems for babies?

Any comments from the experienced out there would be nice....


Made a presentation of the GBFP products at a Rivershed society of BC meeting. Beautiful location in a heritage mansion on top of Capitol hill in burnaby. They were very interested in the QUEST simulation as well as our other projects. Really keyed up for the presentation - they seemed pretty interested. Good opportunities to follow up - interest in putting together a fraser basin simulation.
Took part in a whole team workshop today with the people I work with at the Georgia Basin Futures Project. We were talking about applying for another 5 year grant to fund continuing research on some of the themes we've already establishing and proposing new areas for collaboration and research.

The workshop brought to the surface some of the issues I've been working through about how to fit the various bits of my work life together into a coherent whole.


1. How to integrate my background in political science into day to day work life? Is academia a possible path - i.e. Dr. Edwards

2. The interaction between technology and community. Should I be putting forward research proposals on community engagement at the municipal level. A research agenda looking at policy theory, local goverment and sustainability implementation?

3. Educational technology - fun to do, relatively lucrative, learning everyday...but is there the love for it?

4. Programming and geosciences. Possible work doing project management integrating and creating new community networks. This is political science in practice.

5. Still working out how it all fits together.


Magnatune: try before you buy MP3 music.

Discovered this site through a listing in the creative commons blog.
From the site promo:
We call it "try before you buy." It's the shareware model applied to music.

Listen to hundreds of MP3'd albums from our artists. Or try our genre-based radio stations.

If you like what you hear, buy our music online for as little as $5 an album or license our music for commercial use.

Artists get a full 50% of the purchase price. And unlike most record labels, our artists keep their rights to their music.
Founded by musicians, for musicians.

No major label connections.

We are not evil.

I hadn't really considered buying music online but this is a pretty good model. You pick how much you are willing to pay for the album and then download the entire album in .wav or mp3 format. No licence restrictions etc. Some great music available.


Silenced: Censorship and Control of the Internet

There may be a day when 'presumed innocent until proven otherwise' will be be a strange relic of a forgone age. For more on this subject see the Unveillance project at Richard Smith's webpage (http://www.sfu.ca/~smith). Also see Slashdot on an US airline handing over 5 million customer records to a private contractor to test the new airplane safety system.


Saw the face of my baby girl on the ultrasound today. Branded on my brain for the rest of my life. Short weeks to go. I can't wait. Ultrasound pictures coming to the photo gallery. She was playing with her toes and moving her arms around. Everything is as it should be. Joy.