
Mmmm....dark chocolate mocha -- Now I'm awake and a little quivery.

Up at 5:45 with the baby. She was ecstatically happy to be back with her people again. She's looking at you thinking ... you're not going to just fall back asleep on me. I need to eat. :-)

Entering user profiles in our wiki this morning and making up new archetypes for our application development process this morning and parsing election results. 135 for the libs + 19 for the NDP - 1 for the speaker means only 153 seats when you need 155 for a majority. The bloc (54), conservatices (99) and independent (1) = 154. The bloc and the conservatives don't often agreee on policy issues but it's sure going to be interesting. One or two MP's miss a flight or a vote and the government comes down. I think this may be the end of parliamentary reform. Going to see strong control by the whip in a minority situation - less freedom for MPs to vote against the party line.

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