
When boy bands go bad....Went out to a friend's wedding reception on Saturday night in Hatzic held in the barn. The wedding was in november in tofino and saturday night was the party. Much cooler then expected for june but lots of fun none the less - especially will an open bar and dinner. Great to get together with friends. The longest we'd been away from the child in 7 months. Stayed overnight at sister-in-laws and spent the day hanging out. Wife went to 50th birthday party for old dance teacher back when she and sister were hotshots on the child dance tour. Back to when boy bands go bad...Apparently, thirty years ago, Maurice in the bandanna and his cousin had a band being 12 and 14 at the time - 30 years ago. So someone had the brainstorm why don't they play a few songs...Lots of fun - the 70 classics pounded out with the heavy power chords - taking care of business, some kind of wonderful, and a 2 others which exhausted their repotorie. We raised a glass of their beer for the effort.  Posted by Hello

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